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News & Notes

Hello All

just a few notes

1-The McDevitt 5k is 5 weeks away (11/28), this year we will train for it.

Tomorrows benchmark workout will in fact be a 5k run, this way we have a baseline time to make an effort towards improving. If you missed any of the lifts from this past week, you can make them up as well

2-I am looking to make an addition to our schedule, Diana the yoga instructor is available to add a yoga, a stretch or a yogalates class. this would most likely be on Friday evenings and the cost for members would either be a $10 per class drop in or a $20 a month add on to your current membership. please let me know if this is something that you would be interested in.

3-if anyone is interested in Nutritional counselin, let me know

I will have discounted rates for current members

In which, I will take a deep look into your current diet as well as where you are now. We will then strategize together to make the changes not only effective but sustainable as well. Thats pretty much it

Enjoy your weekend everybody


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