1/28/25John McGuireJan 271 min readWARM UP30 Seconds Of EachDead HangHS HoldActive HangSTRENGTH5 Rounds5 Chin ups Progression or Weighted 10 Supine Rows5 Strict Presses- Far Weight10 Burpees-For TimeCONDITIONING MIXED TABATACal BikeHammer CurlsDB PushPressesHollow Rocks
WARM UP30 Seconds Of EachDead HangHS HoldActive HangSTRENGTH5 Rounds5 Chin ups Progression or Weighted 10 Supine Rows5 Strict Presses- Far Weight10 Burpees-For TimeCONDITIONING MIXED TABATACal BikeHammer CurlsDB PushPressesHollow Rocks
4/18/23 strict press 10 x 3Warm up 1/2 mile run 30 second handstand hold 30 second L hang then 3 rounds 5 bottoms up presses 5 negative pull ups 200 m run with a...
2/18/25WARM UP 1 Minute Row 30/30 Second Side Plank 30 Sec Active Hang 10 DB Skull Crushers 10 DB Bench Presses 5 Negative Chin Ups STRENGTH 4...
2/17/25WARM UP World Greatest Stretch 10 sec Wall Facing Squat 3/3 Cossac Squats 3/3 Single Leg Deadlifts 30/30 Second Single Leg Hip Bridge...